Thursday, March 5, 2020

Six Signs Your Kid Needs A Tutor This Summer

Six Signs Your Kid Needs A Tutor This Summer Summer is here, at last! It is time for camping in Colorado, surfing on the Socal beaches, ice cream in Houston, and cold juice in Arizona. But the summer is also a terrific opportunity to get ahead in your educational career. Sure, a kid needs a little time to relax. But it is a great idea to think about summer tutoring for your kid especially if you have noticed some of the following signs: 1. The grades of your kid were not so good as you was hoping to. You know your kid can do better. But the latest report card is a complete disappointment. 2. Your kid does not care about school. He has shown little concern when he received a D grade. What he is doing well are the excuses for not doing the home work. 3. School teachers have recommended hiring a tutor this summer. Your sons teacher has called you into her office. She has noticed weaknesses in certain subjects and suggested tutoring sessions. 4. Your kid has a low self-esteem. Usually your kid just complains “I cannot do it” or “my teacher does not like me” 5. Your kid does not want to do his homework. The main excuse for not doing the home work is it’s too much homework. When you finally made your kid do some homework he has poor results. It doesnt matter how much time your kid spends on it. 6. Your kid makes up excuses to miss the school. Its hard to get your kid out of a bed in the morning, and even if you do, its a difficult task to make him to go to school. If you son or daughter exhibits some of these signs, he or she would benefit from the help of a good tutor. At TutorZ we have over 40,000 tutors to assist over the summer. And remember, if your kids keep thinking over the summer they will have the best start into the next school year.

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